
Please note that the images displayed on our website may sometimes appear slightly different in terms of tone, color, sharpness, brightness, and vividness when viewed on a monitor or device (e.g., iPhone, iPad, smartphone) compared to the actual print.

This variation can be attributed to the differences in monitors. Each monitor and screen can produce distinct colors, brightness levels, and resolutions, as screens emit light while paper does not. Additionally, images may exhibit minor pixelation when enlarged to extra-large sizes. It's essential to keep in mind that once you frame and hang your print, it will be viewed from a distance rather than up close. Rest assured that the print you receive will be of the highest achievable quality.

When handling your print and removing it from its packaging, we kindly request that you exercise utmost care. Please avoid touching the print or allowing dust or hair to come into contact with it. For the best protection, we recommend promptly framing the print and, until then, keeping it securely in its packaging until it is ready to be professionally framed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at hello@latellestudio.com