Refunds & Returns

All our beautiful prints are individually crafted, tailored specifically for you. Because of this custom nature, once an order is placed, we cannot offer returns or exchanges. However, in case of damage during shipping, please reach out to us within 72 hours of receiving your order, providing evidence of the damage. To qualify for our warranty, please acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

  • Clear Photo Submission: You must provide clear and visible photos of the damaged areas of the prints in .jpeg or .png format.
  • Timely Submission: Photos of the damage must be submitted no later than seventy-two (72) hours after the indicated delivery date of the order as provided by the shipping provider responsible for delivering the order.
  • Review Duration: Please note that it may take up to 2 weeks (10 business days) to review your damaged print.
  • Replacement Delivery: If a replacement product is approved, its delivery will depend on our current manufacturing and shipping schedules.

This policy outlines the procedure for addressing damaged products and ensures a fair and transparent process for our customers.